Friday, October 19, 2012

We have a SHOWER!!!!

After countless attempts to repair the damn plumbing in the house. My talented man emerged from beneath the house triumphant! He might have a few bruised ribs... and an aching knee... but we saved all kinds of money. About $4,000 was the estimate. It's not perfect plumbing - we still have issues... but, we have a working bathroom now - shower included!!

You see, we only had hot water there for a moment and I had to fill the tub up like, 2 hours before bath time... not very convenient. Although, I really enjoyed settling into a nice warm bath after a long day of unpacking and cleaning. I mean, how lucky are we that the new house came wit a HUGE cast iron tub? And the best thing about it? I can actually fit in it.

All that said, standing in a nice, hot shower has it's own rewards. I finally got to shave my legs! I got to truly rinse the shampoo and conditioner out of my hair. I stood under that wonderful stream of hot water until my fingers looked like raisins.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... Sometimes, it's the little things that make life enjoyable!

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