Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Chicken Soup Recipe

The cold weather has paid us a visit. Soooo, you know I had to make some Chicken Soup!!! Yep, that and it's inexpensive. Notice the sale price of a whole chicken - what? I bought the rice by the bulk because it's so much cheaper that way. And most of the veggies came from the Farmers Market across the street from my house - very convenient....

And now I present (drum roll, please) the Recipe:

1- Whole Fryer Chicken
2- Tomato
2- Onion
2- Green Peppers
2- cups Rice
4- cloves of Garlic
5- Carrots (yeah, it's not in the pic, because it was an after-thought)
Olive Oil
2- Bay Leaves
2-Tbs Salt
2- Tbs Pepper
4- Tbs Thyme

Cut up all the veggies into large chunks.

Add the Rice and Salt, then Sautee in Olive Oil

Add the Chicken (make sure it's guts aren't in there). Fill up with Water, then add the Thyme and Bay Leaves.

Cook for a very long time. I usually bring it to a boil then turn it down to simmer. Add the Pepper.
Remove the Chicken out and pull off all the yummy meat.
Add the meat back into the soup and serve!

Friday, October 19, 2012

We have a SHOWER!!!!

After countless attempts to repair the damn plumbing in the house. My talented man emerged from beneath the house triumphant! He might have a few bruised ribs... and an aching knee... but we saved all kinds of money. About $4,000 was the estimate. It's not perfect plumbing - we still have issues... but, we have a working bathroom now - shower included!!

You see, we only had hot water there for a moment and I had to fill the tub up like, 2 hours before bath time... not very convenient. Although, I really enjoyed settling into a nice warm bath after a long day of unpacking and cleaning. I mean, how lucky are we that the new house came wit a HUGE cast iron tub? And the best thing about it? I can actually fit in it.

All that said, standing in a nice, hot shower has it's own rewards. I finally got to shave my legs! I got to truly rinse the shampoo and conditioner out of my hair. I stood under that wonderful stream of hot water until my fingers looked like raisins.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... Sometimes, it's the little things that make life enjoyable!

Monday, October 15, 2012


OK, so we all want to live the dream right? I have no idea how other people do it, but this is our attempt.

About a year ago, while living in Arizona, I found out I was pregnant. Because it was my first baby, I made plans based on what I thought would be... I had no idea that reality would interfere. So, I worked up until I went into pre-labor. Then 2 days later out came my baby boy! Of course, I didn't have the delivery that I imagined and planned for... I had to have an emergency C-section,, because my son decided to dance on his umbilical chord and stop his heartbeat during my contractions.

I healed pretty quickly and went back to work a month later. I was breastfeeding, and they allowed me to bring my son to work with me. Sounds great, right? Wrong! Evidently it is impossible to get work done with a 1 month old who wants to eat every minute of the day... Needless to say work suffered. Now it was time for plan B. Oh shit, I didn't really make a plan B. My plan was to be super-woman... super-mom... super-employee... No?

I broke the news to my husband.
"This is not going to work. I'm burning the candle at both ends here, and I don't know how much longer I can do this".

So what did we do? We started a NEW business, BOUGHT a house in South Carolina and MOVED!

Yep, paid cash for it and it's all ours.... Did I mention there's a small hole in the roof and the pipes are leaking? Um, one room is gutted... the dishwasher is rusted out... and there is no washer or dryer...
But, it's all ours!

So, between the endless repairs and the fact that we are now a 1 income house we're pretty much broke. But no matter, because we are creating abundance!! We have chosen to recreate our lives and make it our own. One small dream at a time...

This blog is for my son, Apollo. I want him to know that anything is possible. All one needs is a dream, a little creativity, patience, persistence and most of all - to believe in yourself!!