For those of you who have known me a while, you know that I am a letter writer. Something goes down - I'm gonna write them a letter! Today, while our Mommies group strolled the Swamp Rabbit Trail with our strollers and children in hand we were treated poorly by many bicyclists. Well, since I have no one in particular to give a letter to... so here is my rant. Right back at you grumpy old men!
Dear Grumpy Old Men Cyclist,
I think it's awesome that have outlived my Grandparents and are healthy enough to ride bicycles. You should be so proud of yourselves. I expected you to be peddling with big smiles on your face while thanking the Lord that your joints are still able to move with such fluidity. How wrong I was....
Instead, I see nothing but grumpy faces and frowns. You choose to use the lips you should be thanking the Lord with to spit nasty words to ladies with children and babies. Not very Southern Gentlemanly, if you ask me....
I understand that as a cyclist you are in limbo. Only riding on two wheels instead of four... Not a pedestrian.... You had to fight for your rights to own a small peice of the road, I get it. I know it's a confusing place to be so you resort to road rage. You mumble and shout like you're in your car on the highway, but let me remind you - we can hear you! There are no windows to roll up and your rude remarks are showered upon our ears. So let me make some suggestions:
1) Invest in a horn or bicycle bell and use that. I'm sure if we hear a bell behind us we will move over - we're Mommies, not morons.
2) Give us a break! I mean, for some of us this was our first time in the trail. I didn't come with a Grumpy Old Man rule book.
3) Lastly, have some respect! We are the women who are raising the next generation. No, it's not a glamorous job, but it's an important one.
So get over yourself, then get over to the left. Trust me, you don't want a swarm of pissed off Mommies jogging after you!
Most Sincerely,
Lauren, et al.
PS. Other than the Grumpy Old Men, we had a wonderful time on the Swamp Rabbit Trail and the Swamp Rabbit Cafe!!
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