In our home we compost... well, we don't have any fancy equipment or special mixture of greens, blood and poop like some. OK, so basically we have an area in our backyard that we throw our food scraps in.

We continue to throw our scraps in the pile and by the end of the summer something magical happens.... Things grow! I don't have to buy special seed pots, cover them with greenhouse tops, water or care for them in any way. This year we had many varieties of tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions, garlic, potatoes and a papaya tree.
Don't live in South Carolina? Well, I can tell you this worked for me in Florida and Arizona too. Of course the "surprises" were different. In Florida, we had a lot of cucumber, papaya, melon, and citrus trees... While in Arizona we had peas, scallions, squash, watermelon and sunflowers.

Here is a printable for labeling your collected seeds: Download
Want to make your own packets? Try this Download